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From lions, to lions

Certified CPR/AED

The safety of our students always comes first. We always prepare and teach our lessons in a way that minimises the possibilities of injuries.

But even if you are the most cautious person, every practitioner of sports knows the risks that comes with it and that's why being prepared to help is always important.

Our school is now certified and able to provide first help CPR/AED to our students. We are trained to help from young children until adults to have a better chance of recovery in case of emergency.

CPR helps keep blood and oxygen flowing and dramatically increases the chances of survival in those who suffer a cardiac arrest. An AED is an automated external defibrillator: This device sends an electric shock to a victim to restore a heartbeat. If a victim’s heart stops beating, seconds are precious.

Besides this, we are also prepared to take care of minor injuries until the necessary help arrives.

Altho we are able to help, we hope we won't need to use it. Let's have fun and train Ju Jitsu.




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